Spaghetti with herby courgettes (Italian recipe):

Spaghetti 350gr
Courgettes cut into slim sticks 650gr
Garlic finely chopped 2cloves
Grated Grana Padano 50gr
Butter cut into pieces 30gr
Olive oil 4tbsp

Handful each Basil and parsley roughly torn
Cook the spaghetti in a large pan of boiling salted water for about 1omin until al dente or as directed on the pack.
Heat the oil in a large frying pan. Add the garlic and fry briefly without letting it brown. Tip in the courgettes, and then cook over a low heat for about 5min, stirring until just tender.
Drain the spaghetti, and then gently stir into the courgettes with butter, cheese and herbs. Season wit
h salt and pepper and serve it.

Summery Sandwich:

Seafood sticks 10
Cucumber 50gr
Carrots 3
Yoghurt 2tbsp
Chinese chilli sauce 1tsp
Cream salad sauce 3tbsp

Soya sauce 1tbsp
Slices of bread

Chop the seafood and cucumber.
Grate the carrots.
Mix all the ingredients together and put on the bread.
Cut the sandwiches and serve with pickle.
* Also you ca
n use chopped spinach and butter on the bread.



(Sieve together)
2 cups plain flour
1 cup custard powder
1-1/2 teaspoon baking powder

180gm butter
1-1/4 cup castor sugar
1 egg
1 teaspoon vanilla essence

1 teaspoon black sesame seeds
a few drops of green and red coloring


1) Cream butter and sugar together till light and fluffy
2) Add egg and vanilla essence, continue to cream
3) Add sieved flour mixture into butter mixture
4) Divide mixture into 3 parts
5) Color 1 part red and add black sesame seeds into it
6) Color another part green, leaving the 3rd part
7) Roll the red part into a long cyclinder shape of
about 2 cm in diameter.
8) Wrap the uncolor part round the red cyclinder
9) Finally, wrap the green part round above cyclinder

10) Freeze in the refrigerator till firm (about
20 mins)
11) When firmed, slice thinly and half to form
slice of watermelon shape.

12) Place on lightly grease tray and bake at 170
degrees celsius for about 18 mins.

Fusilli pasta with green spinach saucea(Italian recipe):

Fusilli pasta 400gr
Baby spinach 250gr

Garlic 2cloves

Mascarpone 250gr

Lemon juice ½
Grated parmesan 30gr or grated cheddar 60gr

Grated parmesan or cheddar 10gr for serve
Pine nuts or peanuts, lightly toasted 60gr

Cook the pasta following pack instructions. Meanwhile put half the spinach in a food pr
ocessor with the garlic, mascarpone, lemon juice and parmesan, then whiz to a smooth sauce. Drain the pasta thoroughly and return to the pan over a low heat. Stir in the sauce, pine nuts or peanuts and remaining spinach, until the spinach has just wilted. Season and serve with extra parmesan or cheddar sprinkled.





Ingredients A
250gm glutinuous rice flour
35gm fine sugar
3 tablespoon peanut oil
5 tablespoon water (Not boiling)

Ingredients B
150ml boiling hot water
6 drops of red coloring

Peanuts Fillings:

Ingredients C
100gm ground peanuts
60gm fine sugar

Banana Leaf cut into square and grease

1) Mixed Ingredients C well and set aside for use later
2) Mixed Ingredient A in a large mixing bowl
3) Mixed red coloring into boiling water and add into ready mixed Ingredients A, knead to form a soft smooth dough.
4) Divide dough and roll into balls
5) Flatten ball dough and put Ingredients C (peanuts and fine sugar mix) in the centre, seal up and place into "Ang Ku Kueh" mould, press lightly to form ang ku print.
6) Lightly knock out and put on grease banana leaf
7) Steam over high heat for 5 mins, open lid and steam for another 2 mins, remove, and brush with some oil.

PS: To keep "Ang Ku Kueh" soft, always keep it covered, prevent it from exposing to wind blow, otherwise, may turn hard. If this happened, just steam for 2 mins again.
This portion makes about 12 "Ang Ku Kueh".


I made these macaroons for the first time at Easter. The recipe originates from the "delicious" magazine. The magazine suggested that you could also flavour the macaroons, but I chose not to as I prefered the natural almond flavour. Makes 20.

For the Macaroons:-
175g icing sugar
125g ground almonds

3 large free-range egg whites
pinch of salt
75g caster sugar
food colouring(s)

For the Filling:-
150g butter, softened
75g icing sugar
food colouring(s)
1. Preheat the oven to 140'C fan.
2. For the macaroons, whizz the icing sugar and ground almonds in a food processor to a very fine mixture, then sift into a bowl.
3. In a separate bowl, whisk the egg whites with a pinch of salt to soft peaks, then gradually whisk in the caster sugar until thick and glossy. At this point stir in your food colouring. If using more than one, separate meringue mixture into individual bowls.
4. Fold in half the almond/icing sugar mixture into the meringue and mix well. Add the remaining half and using a spatula, cut and fold the mixture until it is shiny and has a thick ribbon-like consistency as it falls from the spatula. Spoon into a piping bag(s) fitted with a 1cm plain nozzle.
5. Line 2 baking sheets with baking paper. Pipe small rounds of the mixture, about 3cm across, onto the baking sheets. Give the sheets a sharp tap on the work surface to ensure a good "foot". Leave to stand at room temperature for 10-15 minutes to form a slight skin. This is important - you should be able to touch them without any mixture sticking to your finger.
6. Bake for approx. 12-15 minutes. Remove from the oven and cool.
7. Meanwhile make the filling(s). In a bowl beat the butter until light and fluffy, then beat in the icing sugar.
8. Use the mixture to sandwich pairs of macaroons together.

Mango & banana smoothie:

½ ripe mango
2 bananas
200ml natural yogurt
1 tsp honey
50ml milk
100ml ice
Peeled mango, stone removed and flesh roughly chop
Put all the ingredients (including the ice if using) in a liquidiser and whizz until smooth.
Check the taste, adding a little more honey if you need it.




1 pc of chicken thigh (about 200gm)
1 string of chinese sausage
3 pcs of chinese mushroom (Soak)

2 tsp light soya sauce
1 tsp sesame oil
1/4 tsp pepper
1 tsp corn flour

1) Wash, drain and cut chicken thigh into small pieces
2) Marinate cut chicken thigh with the seasoning for 30 mins
3) Slice chinese sausage and mushroom thinly
4) Spread seasoned chicken thigh in a plate, arrange chinese sausage and mushroom on top
5) Steam over medium high heat for 10 mins

PS: This dish may be steam in rice cooker while cooking the rice





250gm Bread Flour + more for kneading
1 tbsp sugar
1/4 tsp salt
1 pkt (11gm) instant yeast
250ml warm water
30ml olive oil

Topping (Adjust to preference)

1/2 cup canned pineapple (Slice into small pcs)
150gm honey bake ham (Slice into small pcs)
15 pieces button mushroom (Slice)
100gm mushroom/tomato pasta sauce
1 cup shredded cheddar cheese (or any type according
to preference)


1) Mix bread flour, sugar, salt, instant yeast together in a large bowl
2) Add water, mix well
3) Add olive oil and knead to form a smooth dough
4) Return dough to the bowl, cover with a plate and let it prove in a warm place for 45 mins to 1 hour or double in size.
5) Knock back dough and knead again till smooth
6) Divide dough into 3 portions and roll out to form a round circle, pinch edges to form rim
7) Place on cookie sheet and let it prove for 30 mins, and prick with a fork
8) Spread pasta sauce on base
9) Arrange topping - ham, pineapple and button mushroom on pizza base, top with cheese and bake at 180 degree celsius for 25 to 30 mins till edges turn brown



Ingredients A

300gm bread flour
½ tsp salt
1 pkt (11gm) instant yeast
60gm castor sugar

Ingredients B

100ml chilled fresh milk
50ml cold water
1 egg
40gm melted butter

Ingredients C

30gm butter
50gm sugar
60gm raisins
½ tsp mixed spices


1) Mixed ingredients B together
2) Mixed ingredients A in a large bowl
3) Dig a well in the center, pour mixed ingredients B
inside, mixed to form a soft sticky dough
4) Knead dough on a lightly floured board till smooth and
6) Leave bowl in a warm place to prove for 1 – 1-1/2 hrs,
or till dough double in size
7) “Knock back” the dough, and knead it once again on
floured board
8) When dough is smooth, roll it out to a 5 cm thick
9) Spread ingredient C as follows:
i) Spread butter on dough
ii) Mixed raisins, sugar and mixed spices and sprinkle
over butter

10) Roll up like Swiss roll and cut into 2 cm thick slices
11) Place them close to each other in a greased shallow pan
12) Prove for 30 mins
13) Glaze with plain syrup (sugar melted in some water)
14) Bake at 180 degree Celsius for 20 mins till golden




Puff fillings:
500gm potatoes (diced)
250gm luncheon meat (diced)
2 cloves garlic (chopped)
3 pcs shallot (chopped)
3 tablespoon curry powder (mixed with 4 tablespoon water
to form paste)
1/2 cup water
1 teaspoon salt

3 hard boiled eggs (cut into 1/4)

Short Crust Pastry:
250gm plain flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
125gm butter
90 ml water

Oil for deep frying



1) Heat up oil, fry onion and garlic till fragrant
2) Add diced potatoes and fry for 3 mins
3) Add diced luncheon meat and fry for another 2 mins
4) Spread potatoes and luncheon meat to the side of wok
5) Fry curry paste in the centre of wok for 1 mins
6) Stir potatoes and luncheon meat together with curry
paste and mixed evenly
7) Add 1/2 cup water and salt, simmer over low heat till
dry and potatoes is cooked, leave to cool


1) Sieve plain flour and salt together into a large bowl
2) Cut butter into small cubes and rub into flour to form
bread crumbs
3) Dig a well in the centre and add water gradually to form
a soft dough, stand for 10 mins
4) Sprinkle some flour on table top, knead soft dough on
table top
5) Roll pastry to 3 mm thickness, cut pastry into rounds
6) Put in fillings, and 1/4 of eggs, cover to form semi-circle,
press at the side and knead some pattern at the edges,
leaves to stand for 10 mins in the fridge
7) Heat up oil and deep fry puffs till golden, drain on kitchen
paper towel




150gm plain flour
40gm corn flour
50gm butter
50gm grated cheddar cheese
pinch of salt and pepper
50gm beaten egg
20gm water
eggs for glazing


1) Mix plain flour, corn flour, salt and pepper together
2) Cut butter into small cubes and rub into the flour
mixture to form bread crumbs
3) Add grated cheddar cheese, mix well
4) Make a well in the centre, add beaten eggs and water,
mixed well to form soft dough
5) Roll out soft dough on a floured board to 3 mm thickness
6) Cut pastry into long strips and place on grease proof paper
7) Brush with egg yolk and baked at 180 degrees Celsius for 25
to 30 mins till golden brown, remove, cool before storing in
air-tight container




450 gm mid-joint chicken wings
oil for greasing baking tray


2 tablespoon sesame oil
1 tablespoon hua tiao wine
1 tablespoon ginger juice
2 tablespoon light soya sauce
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon pepper
2 teaspoon sugar
1 teaspoon dark soya sauce
3 tablespoon honey


1) Wash chicken wings and drain dry
2) Mixed all seasonings in a large bowl
3) Put drained chicken wing into the bowl, mixed well and
covered with cling wrap and leave in the fridge to season
for 4 hours or even overnight
4) Lay aluminium foil on baking tray and brush with a
little oil
5) Drained chicken wing from seasoning (reserve the seasoning
for use) and arrange on the tray
6) Baked chicken wing at 200 degree celsius for 40 mins till
cooked, turning the wings every 10 mins to brush wing with the
remaining seasonings to get a shinning surface throughout the
baking process




1 pc fish fillet (300gm)
1 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon corn flour
20gm old ginger (shredded)
oil for frying
100gm minced pork (season with a little light sauce
n corn flour)
100gm salted vegetable (washed n chopped)
1 red chilli (chopped)
2 clove of garlic (chopped)
1 teaspoon sugar


1) Wash fish fillet and rub salt all over, leave to
season for 30 mins
2) Heat up oil and saute old ginger till fragrant,
dish out
3) Coat fillet with corn flour and pan fry fillet till
golden brown, dish out
4) Saute garlic till fragrant
5) Add chopped salted vegetable and fry for 2 mins
6) Add minced pork and fry till cooked
7) Add chopped chilli and sugar, fry for another 2 mins
8) Pour over fried fish and serve hot




1 packet of wanton skin
some plain water
Oil for deep frying


100gm minced pork
100gm minced prawn
30gm water chestnut (chopped)


1 tablespoon light sauce
1 tablespoon sesame oil
1 teaspoon pepper
1 teaspoon hua tiao wine
1 teaspoon corn flour


1) Put minced pork, minced prawn, chopped water chestnut
in a bowl and mixed well
2) Add seasonings and mixed well, leave to season for
half an hour
3) Put some fillings in the centre of wanton skin, fold
into half to form a triangle and seal the side with a
little water
4) Pull the corner of triangle together to overlap at the
corner and joined together with a little water to form the
shape of yuan bao
5) Heat up deep frying oil, lower the flame and dropped
yuan bao into hot oil and fry till golden brown




200gm water chestnuts
100gm tapioca flour
1/2 teaspoon red colouring
300ml coconut milk
150ml water
50gm sugar (adjust to preference)


1) Wash water chestnut and remove skin
2) Dice water chestnut into cubes
3) Add red colouring to the chestnut coating evenly
(if too dry, add a little water)
4) Toss coloured water chestnut in tapioca flour
5) Dish out onto a dry plate and spray some water on
it, and toss in tapioca flour again
6) Repeat step 4 and 5 till you get the right size of
ruby you want
7) Boiled a pot of water and drop tapioca flour coated
chestnut to boil
8) When coated chestnut float up, voila! red ruby is form
9) Use a strainer to scoop up and transfer to a bowl of
ice water
11) In another pot, boiled coconut milk with water and
sugar (adjust sweetness to preference)
12) Drained red ruby from ice water and add sweetened
coconut milk and crush ice, serve chilled




Crabs weighing about 500gm
6 fresh red chillies
5 cloves of garlic
2 stalks spring onion
1 coriander plant
3 tablespoon cooking oil

For the sauce

3 tablespoon tomato ketchup
1-1/2 tablespoon sugar (adjust to preference)
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon salted brown bean paste (pounded)
1 cup water
1-1/2 teaspoon corn flour
1/4 teaspoon dark soya sauce
1/2 teaspoon lime juice

1) Killed crab and wash thoroughly
2) Break off the pincers and hit gently with a pestle
3) Cut remaining body into small pieces
4) Peel garlic and grind coarsely
5) Grind chillies coarsely too
6) Wash spring onions, discard root, cut into finger
7) Cut coriander into 1" length
8) Mixed sauce ingredients except for lime juice
9) Heat wok, add oil and when hot, add garlic, stir
fry for 1 minute
10) Add Chillies and stir fry for another minute
11) Add crabs and stir fry for 2 to 3 minutes
12) When shells turn slightly red, stir sauce and add
to the crab, stir well for 2 minutes. Cover with a lid
and simmer over high fire for 5 to 7 minutes until
shells turn bright red
13) Remove cover, add lime juice, stir well and add
spring onion
14) Turn off heat, stir well and serve, garnish with
coriander leaves

Tips: If want more sauce, double the sauce ingredients
This sauce may be use for other types of shell
seafood,e.g. kings prawns, crayfish, or lobsters




12 large prawns
150gm self raising flour
100gm water
2 tablespoon cooking oil
some corn flour
Pinch of salt
Pinch of pepper
1 teaspoon sugar
Oil for deep frying


1) De-shell prawn, keeping the tail portion and slit the
back of prawn to remove veins
2) Clean prawns and drain
3) Season prawns with pinch of salt and pepper and sugar
4) Mixed self raising flour with pinch of salt and pepper
5) Add water and oil to the flour to form a thick batter
6) Heat up deep frying oil
7) Lightly coat each prawn with a little corn flour and dip
in batter to coat throughly while holding the tail portion
8) Put in hot oil to fry till golden brown
9) Drain on kitchen paper towel before transferring to
serving plate.

Tips: For crunchness of prawn, put prawn in ice water with
ice cubes for a while before seasoning




300gm glutinuous rice (soak for 2 hours)
500ml chicken stock
2 strings of Chinese sausages
50gm dried shrimp
2 large shiitake mushroom
10 shallots
3 tablespoon cooking oil


1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon pepper


1) Wash and soak glutinuous rice for at least 2 hours
2) Wash and soak dried shrimp to soften
3) Dice Chinese sausages (not too small as when frying, sausages
will shrink
4) Cut shiitake mushroom into strips
5) Peel shallots and cut into small pieces
6) Heat wok and put cooking oil
7) Fry shallot till crispy and fragrant
8) Remove half the shallot for garnishing
9) Squeeze away water from soak dried shrimp and add to
fry together with remaining shallot in the wok
10) Add shiitake mushroom to fry
11) Add chinese sausages and fry till fragrant
12) Drain water from glutinous rice and add to wok to fry
for 2 minutes
13) Add seasonings and stock to cover glutinuous rice
14) Cover wok and simmer over slow fire till all the stock is
fully absorbed
15) Press glutinuous rice into bowl and steam for half an hour
16) Remove from steamer and garnish with fried shallots




1 Yam (Approx. 300gm after skinning)
500 ml water
150gm sugar (adjust to preference)
1/2 can cooked gingko nuts (steam)
100 ml thick coconut milk
10 shallots (peeled and slice thinly)
2 tablespoons cooking oil


1) Skinned yam and cut into small pieces
2) Steam yam until very soft (use a chopstick to test)
3) Put yam together with water in a blender and blend to
a smooth paste
4) Pass yam/water mixture thru a strainer to remove any
further lumps that may still be present
5) Heat up a non-stick wok and add oil
6) Fry shallot till fragrant and remove from oil. (Fried
shallots may be use for other dishes)
7) Add strained yam/water mixure and fry at low fire while
gradually adding sugar to preference taste and constantly
stirring to prevent it from sticking to the wok
8) When yam mixure thickens, add ginko nuts and thick coconut
milk before serving




500gm pork ribs
2 litre water
2 section of lotus root (about 200gm)
30gm peanuts
2 small dried cuttlefish
10 pieces of red dates
Salt to taste


1) Wash pork ribs thoroughly and add water to boil
2) Wash and soak small cuttlefish in water to soften
3) Wash lotus root, peel skin and cut into thin small slices
4) Remove grim (from top of water) from boiling pork ribs
5) Wash peanuts and red dates, then add to boiling pork ribs
6) Add cuttlefish together with soaking water to pork ribs and
continue boiling at slow fire for another 1 hour
7) Add salt to taste
8) Voila! Lotus root pork ribs soup is ready for serving hot.




2 Bittergourds
1 Chicken (cut into small pieces)
Brown bean paste
Minced garlic

(For marinating chicken)

1 tsp corn flour
1 tsp Chinese cooking wine
1 tsp sesame oil, black sauce
1 tsp brown bean paste
1 tbsp oyster sauce
Pinch of salt & pepper


1) Remove bittergourd skin
2) Cut Bittergourd in half
3) Discard the seeds and core
4) Cut it in thick slices
5) To reduce the bitterness, soak it in salt water for an hour and drain
6) Stir-fry marinated chicken pieces with garlic till half-cooked
7) Add bittergourd, more bean paste/black sauce and fry
8) Add 2 bowls of water and simmer dish for an hour or till bittergourd turns soft
9) Add wine and sesame oil
10) Voila! Ready to serve your Bittergourd Chicken!!




250gm butter
150gm castor sugar (Separate into 60gm & 90gm portion)
120gm cake flour
9 egg yolks
6 egg whites
4 tablespoon condense milk
Half teaspoon vanilla essence


1) Preheat oven to 180 degree cesius
2) Beat soft butter and 60gm sugar until light &
3) Add egg yolk 1 at a time and beat until combined
4) Add condense milk and continue beating
5) Add vanilla essence and beat
6) Sift flour and combine with egg mixtures,
leave aside
7) Whisk egg white with 90 sugar until sugar
dissolve and egg white become stiff
8) Now, fold in egg whites into egg mixture to
form batter
9) Grease cake tin, pour a little batter into cake tin
and bake with upper heat for 15 mins until golden
10) Repeat the process until all the batter finished




400gm plain floour
200gm icing sugar
200gm finely grinded peanuts
12 tablespoon peanuts oil
Half peanuts bits for decorations
2 eggs for glazing


1) Sift flour and icing sugar together
2) Add finely grinded peanuts
3) Mix well and add peanuts oils in the flour, sugar and
grinded peanuts mixtures
4) Knead to form soft dough
5) Take a bit of dough and roll to form a ball
6) Put ball on greased baking tray
7) Glazed with beaten egg yorks
8) Decorate with half peanuts
9) Baked at 180 degrees celsius for 15 - 20 mins
10) Cooled on wire rack before storing




185gm Butter
1/2 cup castor sugar
1/4 cup brown sugar
1 egg
1 teaspoon vanilla essence
1-3/4 cups self raising flour
40gm chocolate powder
100gm chocolate chips
200gm cashew nuts


1) Beat butter and sugar till light and fluffy

2) Add egg and continue beating

3) Add vanilla essence

4) Sift flour and cocoa powder together and stir into butter
and egg mixture

5) Drop teaspoonfuls onto greased baking tray and bake at
180 degrees cesius for 15 to 20 mins

6) Cool completely on wire rack and store




500gm frozen cooked shark fin
60gm Dried Scallop (Soak)
1 fresh crab (Wash, Steam to cooked)
2 medium chicken drumstick
50gm Potato Starch
1500 ml water
Salt to taste


1) Boiled dried scallop together with 1500 ml water for 30 mins
2) Add whole chicken drumstick to boil
3) When chicken drumstick is cooked, remove fresh and shred,
put chicken bone back to the water to continue boiling
4) Remove shell of crab and shred crab meat
5) Now, remove chicken bone from soup
6) Add sharkfins to soup to boil
7) Add shredded chicken fresh and crab meat
8) Add salt to taste
9) Mixed potato starch with some soup and stir to dissolved
flour. Then add to boiling soup and stirfor a while, when
soup thickens, turn off the fire and shark fins soup is ready
for serving


1) Water use for soaking dried scallop may be addedto soup
for sweetness
2) When steaming crab, some water may be produced and this
may also be added to the soup too
3) Serve sharkfins soup hot with pepper and someblack vinegar

Vinegar sauce:

Sugar 10gr
Vinegar 5tbsps

Chopped mint 15gr

Mix all the ingredients together and enjoy it!


Sushi rice 250gr
Nori seaweed 10sheets
Cucumber ½ large size or 250gr
Carrots 250gr
Cheese slices 10
Eggs 3 medium or large
Seafood sticky 6
s 4 medium size
Mincemeat 200gr
Chopped onion 1
Cook the rice.*
Scramble the eggs.
Cut all the ingredients (except rice, meat and onion) J into convenient lengths similar to that shown in the picture.
Fry onion with meat, adding a pinch of salt and turmeric.
Fry carrot
s in a pan in a little oil.
Lay the rice on the Nori. Leave 2cm space from top of the sheet and about 3cm space from end of sheet as shown in the picture.
Start rolling from top of the sheet. You can also use Wasabi sauce, or sesame oil at the end of the sheet (just a small quantity).
Cut with a sharp knife, but before use, wash th
e knife in water.
You can serve it with Soya sauce or vinegar sauce.

  • If you haven't any Sushi rice*, you can make the rice and mix it with sugar and vinegar and make the rice sticky, because you need sticky rice for this dish.
  • You can also use avocado or any fish that you like, but the best fish is salmon.

Basic banana smoothie:

2 bananas 200ml natural yogurt 1 tsp honey 50ml milk 100ml ice
Put all the ingredients (including the ice if using) in a liquidiser and whizz until smooth. Check the taste, adding a little more honey if you need it.

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