
1 Yam (Approx. 300gm after skinning)
500 ml water
150gm sugar (adjust to preference)
1/2 can cooked gingko nuts (steam)
100 ml thick coconut milk
10 shallots (peeled and slice thinly)
2 tablespoons cooking oil


1) Skinned yam and cut into small pieces
2) Steam yam until very soft (use a chopstick to test)
3) Put yam together with water in a blender and blend to
a smooth paste
4) Pass yam/water mixture thru a strainer to remove any
further lumps that may still be present
5) Heat up a non-stick wok and add oil
6) Fry shallot till fragrant and remove from oil. (Fried
shallots may be use for other dishes)
7) Add strained yam/water mixure and fry at low fire while
gradually adding sugar to preference taste and constantly
stirring to prevent it from sticking to the wok
8) When yam mixure thickens, add ginko nuts and thick coconut
milk before serving

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