
150gm plain flour
40gm corn flour
50gm butter
50gm grated cheddar cheese
pinch of salt and pepper
50gm beaten egg
20gm water
eggs for glazing


1) Mix plain flour, corn flour, salt and pepper together
2) Cut butter into small cubes and rub into the flour
mixture to form bread crumbs
3) Add grated cheddar cheese, mix well
4) Make a well in the centre, add beaten eggs and water,
mixed well to form soft dough
5) Roll out soft dough on a floured board to 3 mm thickness
6) Cut pastry into long strips and place on grease proof paper
7) Brush with egg yolk and baked at 180 degrees Celsius for 25
to 30 mins till golden brown, remove, cool before storing in
air-tight container

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