

250gm Bread Flour + more for kneading
1 tbsp sugar
1/4 tsp salt
1 pkt (11gm) instant yeast
250ml warm water
30ml olive oil

Topping (Adjust to preference)

1/2 cup canned pineapple (Slice into small pcs)
150gm honey bake ham (Slice into small pcs)
15 pieces button mushroom (Slice)
100gm mushroom/tomato pasta sauce
1 cup shredded cheddar cheese (or any type according
to preference)


1) Mix bread flour, sugar, salt, instant yeast together in a large bowl
2) Add water, mix well
3) Add olive oil and knead to form a smooth dough
4) Return dough to the bowl, cover with a plate and let it prove in a warm place for 45 mins to 1 hour or double in size.
5) Knock back dough and knead again till smooth
6) Divide dough into 3 portions and roll out to form a round circle, pinch edges to form rim
7) Place on cookie sheet and let it prove for 30 mins, and prick with a fork
8) Spread pasta sauce on base
9) Arrange topping - ham, pineapple and button mushroom on pizza base, top with cheese and bake at 180 degree celsius for 25 to 30 mins till edges turn brown

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