
1 cup glutinous rice flour
2 teaspoon fine sugar
2 tablespoon thick coconut cream
1 tablespoon cooking oil
150 ml water
1 tablespoon shallot oil (Oil from frying shallots)


1 cup grinded roasted peanuts
1/2 cup castor sugar
2 teaspoon toasted sesame seeds


1) Sieve glutinous rice flour into a microwavable bowl

2) Add fine sugar

3) Mix water with coconut cream and cooking oil

4) Mix (3) into (1) and mixed well

5) Microwave at high heat for 2 mins, remove, stir
and microwave for another 2 mins till cooked.
6) Remove and mix in the shallot oil, leave to cool

7) Using a pair of oiled scissors, snip muah chee
and toast in the peanuts mixture coating

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